Runner Information
The UTDS races are organised by the ASBL Evotrail (74 rue de Mouscron at 4610 Queue du Bois (Belgium)).
The UTDS races are events that take place in semi self-sufficiency. Semi self-sufficiency is defined as the ability to be autonomous between two refuelling points, both in terms of food, clothing and security, making it possible to adapt to problems encountered or expected (climatic conditions, technical and physical problems, injuries, etc.).
Only runners wearing a visible and duly controlled bib number have access to the refuelling stations.
Two types of refreshments are available:
Light refreshments (ravito) : still water, High 5 energy drink, Electro, oranges and bananas + energy bars.
Complete refreshments (base of life) : light supplies (same as above) sugar, crackers, cashews, salt, bread and soup.
Be careful not to use cups on the supplies of the whole UTDS. Please purchase the necessary cup or cup yourself.
Any runner caught throwing garbage on the course will be penalized. A large number of bins are available at each refuelling station and must be used.
Individual assistance is only allowed 50 metres before and 50 metres after refreshment stations. Outside these areas, it is prohibited, as well as the support during the race.
The required equipment complies with the administrative and technical rules specific to trails published by ITRA. Each runner undertakes to possess the required safety equipment for the entire duration of the race and to present it at the request of the organiser for the entire event.
At any time, inspections may be carried out during the event in order to ensure perfect race regularity conditions. The Runner is obliged to submit to these tests cordially. In the event of a runner's refusal to be checked or in the event of non-compliance with the penalty applied, he will be disqualified.
This event takes place on a route that mainly uses hiking trails. Sudden weather changes can occur, which is why it is mandatory to bring the equipment listed below to protect yourself against adverse weather conditions.
The bib will only be given to the runner if he presents his mandatory equipment when the bibs are collected.
Required equipment for the 80km race:

- Mobile phone in working order with a subscription working in Belgium (number of the race PC and number 112 pre-encoded).
- Water reserve of at least 1.5 litres.
- Waterproof jacket with hood (Gore-tex type) adapted to its size.
- Warm second layer clothing with long sleeves adapted to her waist.
- Front or chest with spare batteries.
- Survival blanket (140cm x 200cm).
- Whistle.
- Goblet.
- Identity document.
Recommended equipment according to weather conditions:
- Bonnet.
- Tights.
- Gloves.
- Strap roll
- Small amount of money
Sticks are allowed on the UTDS. If you choose to take sticks, it is for the entire duration of the race. It is forbidden to leave without sticks and to recover some during the race, but also to start with sticks and then abandon them during the race.
Shuttles leaving from Trois-Ponts are organised on the UTDS to take you to the various starting points.
If you choose to take the shuttle to La Chefna (42K) or Spa (80K), simply tick the option when you register. As the aim is to facilitate the logistics of the runner, you are not forbidden from getting there by your own means, but we cannot guarantee you ideal parking.
In terms of eco-responsibility, we believe that the shuttle remains the easiest and most responsible way of reducing our impact on the environment ♻️
If you choose to travel to Trois-Ponts by your own means on the day of the event, please note that car parks specifically dedicated to the event will be made available to you free of charge.
Please respect the instructions and signs provided for this purpose.
The bib must be worn visibly throughout the entire race.
Location, place or crossing point (municipality) | km inter. | km acc. | D+ acc. | Time Barrier (Fast) | Time Barrier (Slow) | STOP | Refreshment stations (solid-liquid-warm) |
Spa | 0 | 0 | 0 | 08h00 | 08h00 | Start | |
Jevoumont | 20 | 20 | 679 | 09h30 | 12h00 | 12h00 | Solid - Liquid |
Chefna | 20 | 40 | 1330 | 10h15 | 15h30 | 15h30 | Solid - Liquid - Warm |
Stoumont | 22 | 62 | 2145 | 11h20 | 20h15 | 20h15 | Solid - Liquid |
Trois Ponts | 18 | 78 | 2678 | 12h10 | 23h59 | Solid - Liquid - Warm |
Base of lifeTime Barriers
For each UTDS race, a maximum time is determined. Runners crossing the finish line beyond the maximum race time will not be classified and therefore no longer considered as Finishers.
This maximum time is calculated according to your departure time.
Maximum time for each race:
- 42 km (Solo) : 9 hours to finish the race.
- 80 km (Solo) : 16 hours to finish the race
- 4 x 20 km (Teams) : 16 hours to finish the race
In the event of abandonment, the competitor must inform the person in charge of the nearest refuelling or control station, specifying his race number. If no member of the organisation is present next to the runner who withdraws, this one has to contact the race headquarters to report the withdrawal.
In the event of abandonment, the bib will be "taken back" by the head of the post office. The runner will be invited to use a third party to return to Spa. Any person who disrespects the volunteers in charge of this function will be permanently prohibited from racing on all UTDS events.

In the event of unfavorable weather conditions (heavy rain and snow, high risk of storms,...) and following the decision of the race jury, the organization reserves the right to modify the start times, the course and the time barriers.
Runners will be notified of these changes by sending a text message, and all information will be posted at the critical points of the race (start of the races, collection of race numbers, buffets).
Before the start of the races
In case of "force majeure", weather conditions (orange or red weather warning) preventing competitive running, natural disasters (earthquake, storm, pandémic) or major political events (revolution, war, attacks), forcing the organizer to cancel the event, 50% of the registration fees actually collected will be refunded.
No reimbursement will be made for: donations to associations, organizer's insurance costs, extra meals, t-shirt option and bank processing costs.
This refund will be made by re-crediting your credit card.
To be able to benefit from this refund you have to make a request by e-mail ( to the organization before 31 July 2024.
During the races
If weather conditions can pose a risk to participants, the organizer may stop the race. In this case, the runner arriving at a refueling or checkpoint must follow the instructions given by the volunteers and must respect them. No refund can be claimed.
In case of "force majeure", weather conditions (orange or red weather warning) preventing competitive running, natural disasters (earthquake, storm, pandémic) or major political events (revolution, war, attacks), forcing the organiser to postpone the race, runners who cannot start the postponed race may request a refund of 50% of the registration fees actually received.
Will not be refunded: The donation to the associations, the costs of the organizer's insurance, the meals paid in addition, the T-shirt option and the bank processing costs.
To be able to benefit from this refund you have to make a request by email ( to the organization before August 31, 2024.
This refund will be made by re-crediting your credit card.
First aid stations are located at several points along the route. These stations are connected by radio or telephone to the race headquarters.
A medical team will be present throughout the event. It will be able to intervene on the course by any appropriate means, including helicopter transport if necessary.
It is the responsibility of a runner in difficulty or seriously injured to call for help:
- by going to a first aid station
- by calling the race headquarters
- by asking another runner to notify the rescue services
It is the responsibility of each runner to assist any person in danger and to inform the rescue.

Any problems or accidents should be reported immediately to the nearest control post.
Remember that hazards of all kinds, related to the environment and running, can make you wait longer than expected for help. Your safety will then depend on the quality of what you have put in your bag.
A runner calling upon a doctor or first-aid attendant effectively submits to his authority and undertakes to accept his decisions.
First aiders and race doctors are authorized:
- to disqualify any competitor who is physically unable to continue the event.
- to evacuate by any means at their convenience the runners they consider to be in danger.
- to hospitalize runners whose state of health so requires.
The costs resulting from the use of exceptional means of rescue or evacuation shall be borne by the person rescued, who shall also ensure his return from the place where he was evacuated. It is the sole responsibility of the runner to prepare and submit a file to his personal insurance within the time limit set.
If you are unable to reach the race headquarters, you can call the emergency services directly (especially if you are in an "emergency only" area) 112 from Belgium.
Civil liability :
The organizer shall take out civil liability insurance for the duration of the event. This civil liability insurance covers the financial consequences of its liability, that of its employees and participants.
Individual accident :
Each competitor must be in possession of an individual accident insurance covering the costs of search and evacuation in Belgium. Such insurance can be taken out with any organisation of the competitor's choice, and in particular with ITRA for more information.
Helicopter evacuations in Belgium are subject to a charge, as are evacuations in Belgium by a private helicopter. The choice of evacuation depends exclusively on the organization, which will systematically prioritize the safety of the runners.
An Official Jury will be appointed. Its power of decision is final. He may have to take decisions concerning the postponement or cancellation of the race depending on the weather conditions.
The jury is composed of one member from each of the following structures :
- The President or a member of the ASBL Evotrail
- The President or a member of the ASBL Extratrail
- Red Cross
- Coordinating doctor
The president of the jury is the race director, it is he who will make the final decision following the consultation.
Each participant expressly authorizes the organizers of the UTDS as well as their successors in title such as partners and media to use any still or audiovisual images on which it may appear, taken during its participation in the UTDS, on any medium including promotional and/or advertising documents, throughout the world and for the longest period provided for by law, regulations and treaties in force, including any extensions that may be made to this period.
The organiser proposes to transport the personal belongings of the participants in the UTDS races (one bag per runner, bag not provided by the organisation) from the start area to half way of the race +/- 40k. However, the organiser declines all responsibility in the event of loss, theft or damage to the bags (it is recommended not to place valuables in them).
Participants' personal belongings will be transported on arrival only if they are in a bag not provided by the organization.
It is forbidden to start races with an animal or to be accompanied by an animal during races.

Participation in UTDS races will be under the sole responsibility of the riders, with waiver of any recourse to the organizers regardless of the damage suffered or caused.
Competitors expressly waive any rights against the organisers.
Competitors undertake not to take any action against the organisers for any incident that may result from their participation in this event.
Any commitment is firm and definitive, it implies full acceptance of the rules.
The organiser draws the attention of participants to compliance with the rules of sporting integrity and sporting ethics, particularly those relating to the fight against doping.
The organisation sets up an internal health prevention action. This action is neither intended nor competent to replace the national and/or international anti-doping regulations in force, but aims to strengthen the medical surveillance desired by the organisation. This action is managed by a Medical Council, composed solely of doctors, who may seek advice from the experts of their choice and are responsible for giving an advisory opinion to the Race Jury on the medical condition of the participants.
Each runner undertakes to:
- Inform the Organization's Medical Council in the event of the use of a prescription subject to a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE). A procedure is available for this purpose in the health area which each runner can access free of charge on the website of the International Trail Running Association (ITRA): This information must be provided on the day of registration in the event of a TUE requested or previously obtained. Otherwise, it must be done at the latest on the 8th day following the TUE request and imperatively before the start of the race.
- Accept all urinary and/or blood and/or capillary samples and associated analyses requested by the Medical Council of the Organization, it being understood that the costs inherent in the performance of these samples and associated analyses are the direct responsibility of the Organization.
- Agree to respond to any invitation that the Medical Council may send to him/her on the basis of the information concerning him/her collected, in order to exchange on his/her ability or not to participate in the race for which he/she has registered. At the end of the interview, the Medical Council may go so far as to propose to the Race Jury that the rider be disqualified from competition.
Race stewards present on the course, and the heads of post at the various checkpoints and refuelling points are authorised to enforce the regulations and immediately apply (*) a penalty in the event of non-compliance, according to the following table:
Absence of mandatory safety equipment and/or if more than 3 missing | Time penalties and/or Disqualification | 45’ Yes | 30’ Yes |
Refusal of a mandatory material control | Disqualification | Yes | Yes |
Throwing garbage (voluntary act) by a competitor or a member of his entourage | Disqualification | Yes | Yes |
Non-respect of persons (organization or runners) | Lifetime Disqualification | Yes | Yes |
Failure to assist a person in difficulty | Disqualification | Yes | Yes |
Assistance outside the authorized areas | Time penalties | 45’ | 30’ |
Cheating (e.g. using a means of transport, sharing or exchanging bibs,…) | Lifetime Disqualification | Yes | Yes |
Visible bib defect | Time penalties | 30’ | 30’ |
Refusal to comply with an order from the race management, a race steward, a head of post, a doctor or a first-aid attendant | Disqualification | Yes | Yes |
Non-respect of the marked course | Time penalties | 45’ | 45’ |
These rules may be modified at any time and without notice by the organizing team until, July 31, 2024.